Black Hole of Fun
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The black hole of fun. It's not what you're thinking! This comic is based on those people who have a powerful ability to just suck the life out of every experience. Ugh. You almost feel sad for that person, except you feel sad for yourself if you have to interact with them. Double ugh! It's like you're trapped in a room with water filling up to the top, you're just trying to breathe while somebody else is hyperventilating and hogging up all the air! So here's the situation. Last night at a nice thai restaurant, my girlfriend and I were having a nice dinner. These two ladies get seated next to us. I couldn't help but overhear that one of them was a cancer survivor. I say I couldn't help because she was practically yelling. She kept calling her doctors idiots. He's an idiot! And this other doctor is an idiot! They're all idiots! She's like yelling right next to me. Her words were like rocks she was throwing. It felt like getting stoned, as in the biblical meaning. I wanted to say, if these doctors are such idiots lady, then why are you still alive? Please go talk to your doctor right now and tell them they were idiots to keep you alive...! Just so you could come to nice restaurants and yell in people's ears. Understand, it was a nice place. The food is really good. Not very cheap either. Until these ladies arrived, we were enjoying the good food and ambience. Then the black hole of fun came and started sucking up the good energy...! Aaaah! Stop sucking at life!!! I was torn. I seriously wanted to escape, but I also wanted to enjoy my food. I thought, hmm... should I ask to switch to another table? But our meal had been served and I didn't want the food to get cold, etc. I could have asked the lady to please be quiet, but I really didn't know how to say it politely in the moment so that she would actually shut up and not redirect her focus onto me. I'm a cancer survivor! I have a right to ruin your meal! Don't you know that, idiot? So I just tried to talk to my girlfriend about other things, even though this lady was so loud I could barely hear myself speak. Oh well. Luckily, she's not somebody I have to deal with everyday. How do you deal with people like this? Do you have somebody like this in your life? Sucks to be you. Nah, just kidding. Feel free to comment about how you deal with these 'black hole of fun'-types in a way that makes life better. Have fun!

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