Purple Rain
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RIP Prince. One of the most amazing and talented artists ever. Prince passed on today and I am in a bit of shock. Cried when I heard the news on the radio. But it's not safe to cry while driving. Since tears get in the way of vision. So I put all my feelings into this comic, which is named Purple Rain, after one of my favorite albums. A few years ago, I realized that I had met many of my heroes, but had never met or seen Prince in concert. I promised myself that I would go and see Prince in concert and try to get front row tickets. Well, that can never happen now. I should have made it more of a priority to at least see and hear him in person. He is certainly one of the most amazing artists of our time, and one of the greatest musical geniuses ever. I am very saddened by his passing. Well, you can probably tell from the comic. Thanks for reading this. Let's celebrate our artists and the people in our lives who take it to the next level. Because the whole world is uplifted by an artist like Prince. His music and his genius changed the world forever.

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